Thomas Zipp

A.B. Jesus, Roi de Bruxelles

Thomas Zipp (born in Heppenheim, 1966) is one of the leading German artists of his generation. His works take the form of paintings, sculptures, prints, drawings and installations.


His process is characterized by an intense engagement with various fields of knowledge, ranging from history, science and religion, to politics, art history and philosophy. Thomas Zipp explores themes relating to good and evil, truth and falsehood, god and the devil, standards and deviations, the body and the mind. Obsession and ecstasy, borderline experience, blessedness and sexuality are among other ideas he expresses. In doing so, he uncovers hidden connections or contradictions and integrates them in his artworks with a playful sense of humor. His shows bring together individual works linked by an overarching concept and their display in the venue completely engulfs and alters the exhibition space.


Thomas Zipp currently lives and works in Berlin. He graduated from the Staedelschule, Frankfurt and the Slade School of Art, London. His work has been exhibited widely at institutions including Tate Modern London, Haus der Kunst Munich, PS1 Center for Contemporary Art New York and Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago. Most recently, he had exhibitions at: at Palazzo Rossini, Kai 10, Arthena Foundation, Venice Biennale Collateral events, Comprative Investigation about the Disposition of the Wigth of a Cercle Venice, 2013, Kunstraum Innsbruck, Austria, 2011, The World´s most complete Congress of RITATIN Treatments, Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel, 2010, (WHITE REFORMATION CO-OP) MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO, Sammlung Goetz, Munich, 2009, MENS AGITAT MOLEM (Luther & The Family of Pills).

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